
Grindleton C.E. Primary School

Grow and Shine in God’s Glory

British Values

As a Church of England Primary School, British Values are intertwined with Christian Values and our programme of daily worship.

Through our curriculum and a wide variety of enrichment activities, we enable pupils to participate fully in the life of the school, and wider community, thus preparing them for life in modern Britain.



  1. Democracy
  2. The rule of law
  3. Individual Liberty
  4. Mutual Respect
  5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


The school uses strategies within the National Curriculum and beyond to ensure these are delivered and embedded within the school ethos.

Grindleton School strives endlessly to ensure that the children leave with the strongest foundation of values upon which to build a successful life and make a worthwhile contribution to our society.



The principle of democracy is always being reinforced at Grindleton, with democratic processes used for the election of school councillors and other important decisions within the school community.

Democracy is also explored in History and Religious Education as well as in lesson time and worship. The children learn about the democratic process and come to understand that this is the way our country is governed. They know that their voice is heard but also that everyone's views count equally. This helps them become active members of a democratic society.



The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are always being reinforced at Grindleton.

Children in each class decide on their own set of class rules and why they need to adhere to them.

They are taught the rules and values that the school expects; they are taught the reasons behind laws that govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.

This understanding is constantly reinforced through our positive behaviour policy so children clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used through whole school worship, class worship and around the school. 



At Grindleton School, we invest a great deal of time in creating a positive culture so that children are in a safe, stimulating environment where choices and freedoms are encouraged and valued. children are encouraged to share their opinions and feelings and not be afraid to stand out. They are free to make independent choices, with the knowledge they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment.

Staff educate and provide boundaries for children to make informed choices through an empowering education.


Children are encouraged to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. They are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms without these having a detrimental impact on others. 



Respect is at the centre of Grindleton School life and is embedded in our Christian vision statement, school motto and is one of our core Christian values. Children learn to treat everyone with great respect and come to expect it for themselves. They are taught to value differences in themselves and others and most importantly to show respect to all.



Through Collective Worship, RE and PHSE, we continually teach our children about respect for other faiths and beliefs and ensure that they have many opportunities to learn about these faiths and cultural differences. These opportunities include World Faith Fortnight, visitors to school and visits to  different places of worship each year. We equip our children with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the school community.


We celebrate a variety of festivals throughout the year including Eid, the Chinese New Year and Diwali as well as events in the Christian calendar.

The Religious Education curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faith, religions and cultures.


