
Grindleton C.E. Primary School

Grow and Shine in God’s Glory


The DfE states that pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education.  Good attendance is very important so that children are given as much opportunity as possible to develop academically and socially.  When children are absent from school they often find it difficult to catch up on the work they have missed and can feel unsettled by this.


There are many figures published by the DfE (Department for Education) relating to attendance figures. Here are some of them:

  • If a school can improve their attendance by 1%, they will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment.
  • You may think that managing 90% attendance is a good thing!! However, if your child does only attend school 90% of the time, this is still well below the National requirements – and 90% attendance actually means missing one half of a school day every week!! …Or all of February in one school year!!
  • If you take 10 days out of school for a family holiday – this automatically lowers your child’s attendance to 94.7% for the year.
  • If for whatever reason, your child missed an average of only one day a week for their whole time in school…this would actually add up to missing the equivalent of two years’ schooling. That would be like not starting school until you were 7 or leaving school at 14!!


We do not currently fine people for taken unauthorised absences but would ask that you consider whether a holiday during term time only is absolutely necessary.


Below are holiday lists, the attendance policy and an application form for submitting a holiday request.

Please click the links below to download the documents in PDF form
