Pupils at Grindleton participate in weekly high quality PE and sporting activities. Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports and skills to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others' strengths and areas for development. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events as part of the Lancashire Schools' Sports Partnership. This is an inclusive approach, which aims to encourage not only physical development but also well-being. We spend our sports premium money in an effective way, which enables us to give our children new experiences, time to learn, practise and the opportunity to embed new skills and knowledge. Progressive learning objectives, combined with sympathetic and varied teaching approaches, aim to provide stimulating, enjoyable, satisfying and appropriately challenging learning experiences for all pupils. Throughout the selection of suitably adapted and logically developed tasks, it is intended that pupils, irrespective of their ability, gender, cultural or ethnic background, will enjoy success and be motivated to further develop their individual potential. We aim to develop the children’s skill acquisition and abilities whilst improving stamina, fitness, application of skills, tactical thinking and resilience.