
Grindleton C.E. Primary School

Grow and Shine in God’s Glory


The National Curriculum for Mathematics 2014, and the EYFS Early Learning Goals provide the long-term planning for mathematics following White Rose Scheme to ensure whole consistency and progression following the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach and a mastery curriculum. The White Rose Ready to Progress Mapping Document informs expectations for planning and progression throughout school.


The White Rose Maths curriculum links directly to the Key Stage 1 and 2 national curriculum. In each of the major topic areas (Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics), the curriculum has been broken down into key areas. For each of these areas, you can then see which National Curriculum objectives are covered in that year, together with the term and block in which that objective is first met in the White Rose Maths schemes. The curriculum at Grindleton C.E. Primary School recognises the importance of children’s conceptual understanding of number. It is therefore designed to ensure that time is invested in reinforcing this to build competency. Lessons are planned to provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving elements into the curriculum. When introduced to a new concept, children have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand the concept. Alongside this, children are encouraged to use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems. Both concrete and pictorial representations support children’s understanding of abstract methods. Mathematical topics are taught in blocks, to enable the achievement of ‘mastery’ over time. These teaching blocks are broken down into steps, to help children understand concepts better.



  • The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is used to support teaching of Mathematics in the Foundation Stage. The EYFS White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Learning supports this.
  • The EYFS children have the opportunity to talk and communicate in a widening range of situations and to practise and extend their range of vocabulary and mathematical skills.
  • The children explore, enjoy, learn about, and use Mathematics in a range of personalised situations.
  • Mathematics is planned on a weekly basis and assessed using the criteria from the Early Learning Goals.



KS1 and KS2

  • Children in Years 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are taught Mathematics in mixed ability class groups (years 1 and 2, years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6.
  • They are taught for approximately 1 hour daily.
  • Teachers follow the White Rose Maths Hub mixed aged planning to support their planning and delivery of Mathematics teaching.
  • The teachers use the guidance given in the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Learning to support their planning.
  • The use of Mathematics resources is integral to the concrete – pictorial – abstract approach (CPA) and thus planned into our learning and teaching.
  • Maths lesson starts with the White Rose Maths ‘Flashback 4’ resource, children then work through four retrieval questions with the teacher to revisit and consolidate previous learning
  • Following this, new learning is taught, and a mathematical concept is presented in the form of a contextual problem, to support application. The children will then complete an initial ‘Independent Practice’ questions. During this part of the lesson, the teacher can ascertain the level of children’s understanding and the extent to which they have grasped the initial concept. This part of the lesson is responsive, and teachers can use it to address remaining misconceptions.
  • The next part of the lesson is a further phase of whole class input/discussion. Children then continue with their independent practice task, following the input given. This practice uses conceptual and procedural variation to build fluency and develop greater understanding of underlying mathematical concepts.
  • Children who complete this are provided with further problems, which they complete in their own maths book in order to broaden their knowledge.
  • White Rose lesson videos are used during planning stage to introduce/revisit key terminology prior to teaching and learning units for all teaching staff. Children’s explanations and their proficiency in articulating mathematical reasoning, with the precise use of mathematical vocabulary, are supported through the school’s oracy focus and use of stem sentences and high-level questioning.