
Grindleton C.E. Primary School

Grow and Shine in God’s Glory

Data Protection



Computer Stored Information

A management computer system is installed in the school. This greatly improves the speed and accuracy with which we can access information to our pupils.


The information stored on the computer is used to assist the school in the management of personal and academic records and will be treated confidentially by those members of staff who have a legitimate right to use it.

Access to data will be governed by a series of computer passwords known only to those authorised by the Headteacher.


The type of personal information required by the school and stored on the computer may include:

  • the name, date of birth, address and telephone number of the child
  • the names of his/her parents or guardians
  • a record of emergency contact names and telephone numbers
  • the child's religion (if any)
  • the name and address of the child's doctor and details of any special medical conditions which need to be made known to those caring for the child in school
  • the type of mid-day meal taken
  • the method of travel to school
  • ethnic group and language spoken at home


Much of this information is contained on the school's admission form that all parents are asked to complete when registering their child for school.


In order that the data can be kept up to date and accurate, parents are requested to ensure that any change in their child's personal details are made known to the school as soon as they occur.


The type of academic data to be stored on the computer will include details of the child's year group and class. It may also include the results of any National Curriculum assessments, teacher assessments and other standardised tests.


As a registered data user, the school will take every precaution to ensure that pupil data stored on the computer will be held and used only for specific and lawful purposes and will not be disclosed in any manner incompatible with those purposes.


Any parent wishing to examine the data related to their child should apply to the Headteacher for access.
