The primary function of the Governors is to support the school in driving improvement and ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children. Being a governor is rewarding and it is a privilege. Effective school governance is achieved by knowing the school, the children, the parents, the staff and the community and understanding our roles and responsibilities.
The Governing body is made up of a committed, balanced mix of people with a variety of appropriate skills. The body includes the Headteacher, parents, teachers, staff, Local Authority representatives and co-opted members of the wider community. With the exception of the Headteacher , all governors are elected every four years.
'Governors are very committed to the school and they share your high expectations. They have a range of skills, for example in school finance and education, that enable them to regularly challenge school leaders with a range of sharply focused questions. Questions on finance, attendance and performance are evident in the minutes of governors’ meetings.' Ofsted November 2016