Our Computing Curriculum has been structured to demonstrate a progression of knowledge and skills and ensures that children can build on their understanding, as each new concept and skill is taught with opportunities for children to revisit skills and knowledge as they progress through school.
Children become digitally literate and are ready to confidently use technology at home and at school. We believe it is a skill that empowers, and one that all pupils should be aware of and develop competence in. Pupils who can think computationally are better able to create, understand and use computer-based technology, and so are better prepared for today’s world and future.
Evidence of progression in computing is collected in individual Computing Portfolios which are split into the three core strands: computational thinking, digital literacy and information technology. We have also added an additional section called ‘Cross Curricular’ so that evidence of computing can be seen in other areas of the curriculum. We believe that when assessing computing it is important to look for evidence of knowledge of understanding as well as technical skills. Asking pupils to talk about what they have learned as well as showing the work they have completed, provide important evidence of learning. We assess through observation of work on tasks, contribution to class discussion and peer discussions.